Red Panda
The Red Panda project tackles the conservation challenges this adorable species faces due to human impact and climate change. I embarked on this journey in 2017 during my undergraduate studies, driven by a passion for studying species behaviour from an interdisciplinary perspective, specifically selecting red pandas for my research. The project aims to leverage the insights gained to improve conservation efforts. It concentrates on both in-situ and ex-situ populations of red pandas, aiming to bridge the knowledge gap in their conservation.
Ex-situ Research
My ex-situ research focuses on the well-being of red pandas in captivity, which play a crucial role in supporting the wild population through breeding programs. Since the early 1990s, India joined the international captive breeding initiative for red pandas, with about 35 individuals now residing in Zoos such as those in Darjeeling, Gangtok, and Nainital. My main aim has been to study their welfare by observing their behavioural and physiological responses to their environments and management practices. This research aspires to provide valuable insights to enhance red panda welfare in captivity, ultimately supporting their breeding and ultimately reintroducing healthy individuals back into the wild.
In-situ Research
Studying the wild population of red pandas presents unique challenges due to tough terrain, limited accessibility, and funding needs. To overcome these hurdles, I'm designing an efficient survey method that requires minimal logistics and is more budget-friendly. Additionally, Iām exploring the health of wild red pandas through non-invasive faecal sampling methods. We know little about the health of the wild population, and this pioneering study aims to fill that gap, enabling better management interventions to protect the species.
Education and Community Conservation
An essential aspect of the Red Panda project focuses on community conservation and raising awareness about these fascinating animals. We strive to build a community of citizen scientists who can assist in conducting ecological surveys, which helps reduce costs and logistics while promoting long-term monitoring of red pandas.
A key element of our project is creating engaging educational content. I am working on a comic book featuring Shifu, our central character, who lives in captivity and is trained for the re-introduction program. This delightful story will take readers on a journey into the incredible world of red pandas, highlighting their unique behaviours and emphasising the concept of captive breeding as a way of species conservation.